Professional Tips To Help You Choose The Best Wood For Your Fence

12 January 2023
 Categories: , Blog


Are you looking to install a wooden fence on your property?

With so many types of wood in the market, deciding the best one is overwhelming. 

However, there are some factors you can rely on to help you make an informed decision. These factors include your budget, climate, and the wood's insect vulnerability.

Read on for more in-depth information on choosing the best wood for your fence.

Consider Your Budget

How much do you want to spend on the fencing project?

Your budget is likely to limit your wood choices. If you are on a tight budget, choose more affordable options like pinewood and spruce. Though the cheaper options may save you some coins on the upfront costs, they may cost you more in repairs, maintenance, and replacement due to their short lifespans.

Budget-conscious property owners also tend to choose pinewood panels. This option is more popular than regular pine as you can chemically treat it to enhance durability. Additionally, it will need a paint job to make it more attractive. These added costs will make installing pinewood expensive in the long run.

More durable and aesthetically pleasing wood choices like redwood will cost more upfront investment.  Redwoods typically cost more because they are hard to harvest and can take up to 50 years to reach maturity. They are also aesthetically pleasing and fragrant.

Moreover, they will cost less in repair, maintenance, and replacement.

You will get what you pay for, thus, ensure you consult a professional wood fence installation company to learn more about your options.

Consider Your Local Climate

The wood choice for your fence should suit your local climate.

Is your area dry or rainy? What are the temperatures? Is the weather relatively stable, or does it fluctuate?

If your area experiences frequent rainfall, choose a wood that will not warp, rot, or promote mold growth. Whereas a snowy place requires strong wood that can weather the weight of snow drifts.

Regions with long periods of blazing sun, significant temperature fluctuations, severe wind, and storms will need sturdy wood. On the other hand, less durable wood suits mild climates with small temperature changes and temperate weather.

Note that you can treat the wood according to the weather in your area. For instance, UV protection maintains the wood's natural color, thus preventing fading, while refinishing and cleaning will preserve its integrity.

Consider Wood's Vulnerability to Insects

Insect infestation is a huge concern when building a wooden fence. Therefore, you should learn about the different wood species and their susceptibility to infestation. 

Choose wood that is insect-repellent with natural properties to protect it from insects. You can also pressure-treat the wood so termites cannot destroy or build nests in your fence. 

To learn more, click here or talk to a wood fence company in your area.